Did you know that there is actually a drone training club? It’s true! They actually take people out to a field, and show them the best way to fly their drone. I was so surprised when I heard this, and I couldn’t believe it was a lucrative business, but here’s how they do it. The team leader tells all his students that they first need to go out and get a drone.
Of course, he also tells them that there is a specific brand and model that they need to purchase, and the students dutifully go out and purchase it. Lucky for the instructor, the drone seller has agreed to give him a commission for every drone he helps to sell, so he makes money there. Next, of course, there are fees for the drones training itself. The funny thing is, the students are usually very happy with the training, and they often say that it saves them money in the long run, because they learn the way to handle their drone, how to clean it, the best way to store it, and of course, how not to crash it—all essential drone knowledge that is so important to maintaining a functional drone.
Many students, especially those who have recently bought their first drone, have no idea how to fly it or how to take care of it, and they run the risk of crashing it or letting it rust. Any of these mishaps can lead to hundreds of dollars lost, because the student didn’t know how to care for their drone in the first place.
So, in that sense, the drone training club is a good idea, but I just think there has to be an easier way that doesn’t lead to the students shelling out so much money. Well, I wasn’t the only person who thought that, the drones club instructor came up with a second idea, just as lucrative as the first, to make a DVD of himself training the student, so they can learn to handle their drone from home. Moreover, he also made a book, in case the student prefers to read along, rather than watch on the television. Both of these ventures were great ideas, because once the instructor made the product, he just had to market it. This was in stark contrast to the drone training club which had a new crop of students each week, all eager to make sure they didn’t ruin their drones on the first day. So all in all, this instructor did very well for himself, and he didn’t even need to worry about money after awhile, all because he knew his way around a drone.
And that’s not something that they teach you in high school. Since then, this instructor has also started doing motivational talks about how to go into business for yourself much like he did, and last I heard, he was worth over 7 million dollars. How’s that for success? And it all started with a drone.